Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Wake Wee Weigh Wednesday

So its only been 3 days on the 12WBT challenge and today we have our first weigh in. I have managed to lose 500gm. I was a little upset to begin with but after so tough love and wise words of friends and family I have realised that my journey isn't anyone elses, and therefore we wont have the same results.

So how am I finding it?


I love the program.
  • It takes the hassle out of having to sit down and work out good meals and the calories that they have.
  • The exercise plan seemed a LOT with 6 days but I am finding getting up earlier to work out leaves me in a much better place for my day.
  • I have a WHOLE bunch of support. Everyone is here doing it together and there is lots of encouragement and people to bounce ideas and questions off.
  • The food is LIFETIME-able. The nutrition plan does NOT cut out food groups. I am eating so much more than I used to but so much better than I ever have.
  • The program will give you what you put into it. There are preseason tasks which even in the first days have been my power. I know what I WANT. I know MY GOALS. And most importantly I know my EXCUSES.
So here is to a strong finish to a good first week. As Michelle said on her video link tonight its sometimes about reaching in and unleashing your inner mongrel and my favourite:

"It doesn't have to be perfect, it doesn't even have to be pretty. You just have to get it done!"

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